MindYourPass Municipalities Benchmark 2024: How secure are the passwords?
MindYourPass publishes the first edition of the Municipal Benchmark for the year 2024, which provides insight into how municipalities perform in the field of password security. Curious about the results? Read the article and request the report.
Rick Swinkels
Business Development Manager
MindYourPass Municipalities Benchmark 2024: How secure are the passwords?
MindYourPass publishes the first edition of the Municipal Benchmark for the year 2024, which provides insight into how municipalities perform in the field of password security. Curious about the results? Read the article and request the report.
Rick Swinkels
Business Development Manager

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Password safety remains one of the biggest cybersecurity challenges. MindYourPass maps out this crucial topic with the very first Municipal Benchmark 2024, which analyzed the password usage of 20 participating municipalities. The goal? Provide municipalities with insight into their password security so that they can take data- and risk-driven improvement steps.

Domestic Governance wrote an article about the Benchmark. Read it here back.

Why this benchmark?
Passwords still pose a significant cyber risk, both due to reuse and the use of weak or even leaked passwords. With this benchmark, municipalities are not only held up a mirror, but also a comparison with others in the sector. How do you score compared to other municipalities? And more importantly: how can you demonstrably improve? The benchmark is intended as an annual initiative, so that developments can be made transparent over time. The benchmark will also be expanded to other sectors soon.

What do the measurement results show?
In 2024, MindYourPass measured 666,969 logins from employees of 20 municipalities. The first results don't lie: municipalities score a big unsatisfactory score. Password reuse and the use of weak and leaked passwords are widespread. The picture is not positive, but at the same time not surprising, because with the growing number of accounts, it is simply impossible for people to use unique and strong passwords everywhere. This problem is not unique to municipalities; we also see similar challenges in other sectors.

Nevertheless, there is good news. Municipalities recognize the problem and are ready to take action. Indeed, with the right approach, it is possible to make the organization demonstrably password-safe.

Municipalities Benchmark 2024 - request the report now!

Join us and improve with us
The Municipal Benchmark 2024 offers valuable insights and tools to get started. The benchmark report is easy to request via the contact form below, and new municipalities are welcome to participate. Interested? Get in touch at and contribute to a safer digital future!

Together, we make password security feasible — for municipalities and beyond.

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