Measuring password security for targeted improvement

What is the risk of vulnerable passwords for your organization? Find out with the MindYourPass Online Security Risk Assessment.

Start measuring today


of cyber incidents caused by password misuse


of all passwords is
too weak


of all passwords is


of all passwords will reused

What insights does the MindYourPass Assessment provide?

Risks in the picture

Applications at risk
Risk assessment of each online application landscape based on password usage
Password scan
Security measurement of all passwords based on strength, reuse and theft
Full application overview
Overview of all online applications that employees log in to
Shadow-it detection
Detecting the use of unauthorized IT services and applications

In-depth analyses

Use password vaults
Inventory password storage locations and use password vaults
SSO and MFA analysis
Insight into which applications use SSO and MFA and which use only username and password
Compliance check
Insight into the extent to which password policies are being complied with and are complied with laws and standards: NIS2, ISO 27001, BIO and NEN 7510

Improvement plan

Objectively determine the effectiveness of password measures taken and make timely adjustments (PDCA)
Improvement plan
Concrete and risk-driven plan with recommended improvement measures to get started right away!
“MindYourPass's triple-I improvement method sets a new standard in the industry”
Cybercrime Advisor
Insight into your organization's password usage in 3 steps
Baseline Scan
Plan your baseline measurement

The baseline measurement is the first step of theTriple-i™ improvement method

Learn more about Triple-i™
Frequently asked questions about the baseline measurement
Hoe lang duurt een nulmeting?

De nulmeting duurt 4 weken. Na deze periode hebben we voldoende meetresultaten om het rapport op te stellen.

Welke voorbereidingen moet ik treffen?

Voordat de meting start voer je eenvoudig zelfstandig de volgende twee acties uit: Installatie meetsoftware op zakelijke laptops/pc's van medewerkers op basis van een instructie. Communicatie naar personeel. MindYourPass staat klaar om je te helpen.

Wat gebeurt er na de meting?

Na de meting ontvang je het meetrapport met concrete verbeteradviezen. MindYourPass presenteert het rapport tijdens een (online) sessie. Vervolgens kun je ervoor kiezen om te blijven meten en de risico's te blijven monitoren.

Passwords remain secret. The privacy of your colleagues comes first.

MindYourPass measures the quality of passwords within the employee's business computer browser, keeping passwords secret and not being sent to our servers. Only the anonymous measurement results are sent, so that the privacy of employees remains protected.
Questions about privacy assurance?
Get in touch

Read our articles about cybersecurity.

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Hoe MindYourPass beschermt tegen phishing en Mamba 2FA
MindYourPass Assessment bij Samenwerking: eerste stap naar veilig wachtwoordgebruik
Met één wachtwoord overal veilig inloggen? Dat kan dus!
De voor- en nadelen van wachtwoorden opslaan in de browser