Poka Yoke applied to secure password use
Poka Yoke is a Japanese Lean quality principle that prevents errors in processes through built-in “error-proof” solutions. The goal is to eliminate human error by designing systems in such a way that it is impossible to make a mistake. So error prevention. MindYourPass applies Poka Yoke to password management within organizations.
Rick Swinkels
Business Development Manager
Poka Yoke applied to secure password use
Poka Yoke is a Japanese Lean quality principle that prevents errors in processes through built-in “error-proof” solutions. The goal is to eliminate human error by designing systems in such a way that it is impossible to make a mistake. So error prevention. MindYourPass applies Poka Yoke to password management within organizations.
Rick Swinkels
Business Development Manager

Start making vulnerable passwords impossible today

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Just like errors in production processes, such as Toyota where Poka Yoke comes from, many security holes are caused by human error. Take, for example, choosing weak passwords or reusing passwords across multiple sites and apps. These types of unintentional (or rather ignorant) errors can lead to large-scale data breaches and cyber attacks. MindYourPass prevents these types of errors by requiring employees to use rock-solid and unique passwords for key business sites and apps. These passwords are automatically generated by MindYourPass, so employees don't have to invent and remember them themselves. This eliminates the risk of human error, or weak password usage. So Poka Yoke!

Thanks to MindYourPass, employees can no longer set weak or reused passwords. Each time they log into a site or application, the quality of the password is checked based on the organization's set password policy. Does the password not meet the requirements? Don't panic, employees change their passwords to a new, rock-solid one in just a few clicks. This makes weak password usage, such as reusing passwords or choosing passwords that are too simple, a thing of the past.

This offers benefits for both the organization and the user. For organizations, eliminating weak passwords drastically reduces the risk of hacks and data breaches. For employees, it takes away the worry of unintentionally posing a security risk for the company. In addition, users no longer have to struggle with inventing and remembering all kinds of passwords, which significantly increases the ease of use. For example, MindYourPass uses Poka Yoke and increases the online safety of employees and organizations. Finally, peace of mind!

Start permanently preventing risky password use today. Contact us and get advice from one of our cyber experts.

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